# coding=utf8
import os
import sys
import atexit
def daemonize(pid_file=None):
Create daemon process
:param pid_file: File that saves process id
# Fork a subprocess from parent process
pid = os.fork()
# The id of subprocess equals 0, and of parent process must larger than 0
if pid:
# Exit from parent process(sys.exit() executes flush while os._exit() doesn't)
# The subprocess defaults the working directory of its parent process.
# The subprocess defaults umask(File permission mask), reset it to 0(Fully control) in order to avoiding R/W operations.
# Let the subprocess be the leader of the conversation and the process.
# Second Fork
_pid = os.fork()
if _pid:
# Exit subprocess
# Grandson process is daemon right now. Redirecting stdin/stdout/stderr descriptions to avoid errors in the printing process.
# Flush stdout/stderr buffer
# Atomically close and duclipate file description, and redirect into /dev/null(Drop off all input and output)
with open('/dev/null') as read_null, open('/dev/null', 'w') as write_null:
os.dup2(read_null.fileno(), sys.stdin.fileno())
os.dup2(write_null.fileno(), sys.stdout.fileno())
os.dup2(write_null.fileno(), sys.stderr.fileno())
# Write PID
if pid_file:
with open(pid_file, 'w+') as f:
# Register Exit function for abnormal exit
atexit.register(os.remove, pid_file)
- Fork sub-process, and exit parent-process.
- Change Working Directory (chdir), File Permission Mask(umask), Process Group and Conversation Group (setsid).
- Fork grandson-process, and exit sub-process.
- Flush buffer and atomically close and duclipate file description, and redirect into /dev/null(Drop off all input and output)
- (Option) Write PID.